Tuesday, January 4, 2011

En route to Berlin

The few days at home went by FAST! This morning, Michael G. picked me up at the ungodly hour of 4:30 a.m., and since then I've been working on the frequent flier miles for 2011.

Right now I am sitting in the flagship Lounge in LAX (yes, that's Los Angeles), waiting for my connection to Chicago and then onward to London. I'll explain the roundabout way when I have more time.So far it's been a great day for flying, without delays, weather, or other problems. Let's hope it stays like that.

Being able to connect to the internet in the various airport lounges is a definite plus, and I have been productive. This lounge here (pic), reserved for One World passengers on an international itinerary only—and they have to be like Mr. Cluny in Up in the Air top-tier travelers—is especially nice as it is very quiet, almost empty, and well stocked with complimentary food and beverages.

Not bad. As I always say, there is reason behind my sometimes-convoluted itineraries.

I'll update when I get a chance. So long,


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