Wednesday, August 29, 2012

In Albuquerque, on the way to Colorado

Just a quick blog post from on the road: Sabine arrived in Lubbock on Saturday afternoon, just about an hour after I had returned from my officiating gig at the Hotter 'n Hell in Wichita Falls. Since then, the schedule has been full: On Sunday afternoon, we met up with Martha and Alan as well as Wes and Susan at Wicked Beaver Brewing where Michael and his wife, Jenny, served us some fine cold beer. Later that evening we had a delicious dinner at M&A's. On Monday, Sabine wanted to go for a bike ride, so we took the road bikes out to New Home, where she experienced the cultural capsule of The Last Maverick restaurant, where we had a cold Coke. Then it was time to prepare appetizers for our evening with Jewell and Kathy (who, after appetizers, took us out to the Funky Door for dinner) and we also had to start packing for our trip to Colorado.
With Martha and Sabine and a Wicked Beaver
Yesterday morning we were on the road around 11 a.m.—amazing! And even more amazing was the fact that we had a tailwind leaving town! The little truck ran smoothly, and the gas mileage was like in its best days. we got to Albuquerque right at 5 p.m., so there was plenty of time to go to La Cumbre Brewing and then to Marble, where we met up with Chad and Jen, who have just recently moved to ABQ. We then had dinner at Il Vicinos—the pizza was as good as always, and Wet Mountain IPA is till one of the best brews out there.

And now it's almost 8 a.m., Sabine is already brushing her teeth, and I have to hop into the shower so we can have a standard Hampton breakfast. Then we'll be off for Rico, in the Dolores Valley, where we will spend the next week vacationing.


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